Can you imagine a world where datasets seamlessly connect like Lego Blocks? Imagine forming a consistent data architecture without the usual data integration headaches. Our modular datasets are directly interoperable and ‘snap together’ dynamically, combining data content effortlessly while instantly providing whatever data you desire. You can combine these modular datasets on-demand, thanks to the universal dataset gateway that encapsulates and modularizes each dataset. Much like a Lego Brick, we designed directly interoperable modular datasets so you can connect them with any other compatible datasets as needed.
There are currently two types of dataset access for digital data. First, there is the disparate siloed dataset, which has been in use since the dawn of digital computing. Everyone recognizes data siloes as a hindrance to IT and business; it was the default access type since no other dataset access type was available. Recently, Maxxphase introduced their patented Compatible Datasets that feature direct dataset interoperability access. The main difference is that compatible datasets have external referential data integrity enforced, while siloed datasets do not. Compatible Datasets can combine dynamically to form a federated or distributed data fabric, while siloed datasets can not. This federated data fabric collectively functions in a manner indistinguishable from a single consistent dataset. Fortunately, you can simply and noninvasively enrich existing siloed datasets to be Compatible Datasets.
We encapsulate our modular compatible datasets within a select group of Data Compatibility Standards (DCS). Each DCS is designed for a specific master data domain, providing master data and metadata commonality for compatible datasets. You can modularize any existing dataset by enriching that dataset with the appropriate group of DCSs, which forms a DCS universal dataset gateway supporting direct dataset interoperability.
At Maxxphase, we specifically designed each DCS to be directly interoperable with the same DCS in any other compatible dataset. Since referential data integrity external to the compatible datasets is enforced, universal direct dataset interoperability delivers plug-and-play functionality between compatible datasets. Much like joining database tables within a dataset, now, database tables can be reliably joined across multiple compatible datasets. Because our direct dataset interoperability is multifaceted and encapsulates entire datasets, your options for joining compatible datasets are numerous. Dynamic plug-and-play joins form and dissolve as needed among compatible datasets. You can adapt compatible datasets on the fly to reshape the modular data fabric to fit any dataset configurations needed.
We design each DCS in our universal dataset gateways to be dimensional. Therefore, each compatible dataset exhibits data warehouse functionality. This dimensionality, combined with multifaceted direct dataset interoperability, delivers a data warehouse foundation upon which more BI-related compatible datasets can be materialized. These modular datasets are analytics-ready out of the box. You can get analytics reports up and running quickly by removing the need for lengthy data integration/consolidation efforts. With our modular plug-and-play functionality, you can quickly add new datasets to a modular data fabric.
Compatible datasets spontaneously combine to form a data fabric type of data architecture. However, with direct dataset interoperability, we have delivered more advanced data fabric architectures. While the data fabric factory approach can produce a single monolithic data fabric, compatible datasets spontaneously form distributed data fabrics. These advanced data fabrics begin as distributed or federated, become modular plug-and-play, and even progress to include specific modular datasets such as customer 360 or product 360 datasets.
The creation of DCSs has led to our development of the first-ever modular plug-and-play datasets. These new datasets are low maintenance, dynamic, and agile while having the functionality of a data warehouse without needing to undergo costly and complex data integration efforts. Want to empower your datasets to become modular plug-and-play analytics-ready datasets? Reach out today!