Maxxphase Data Compatibility improves the agility of your business's data foundation by greatly reducing your data complexity. We simply enrich existing disparate datasets to become modular plug-and-play datasets. These plug-and-play features eliminate the need for hand-crafted data transformation software. Now, any Compatible Dataset is seamlessly and directly interoperable with other Compatible Datasets. Your data foundation becomes a smooth modular data fabric instead of a disjointed group of disparate datasets.

What causes business stagnation?

Information technology (IT) is notorious for its slow response to business changes. Many businesses view their IT department as a burden that stagnates the business and blocks the pathway to becoming a world-class business. IT departments can take months or years to respond to changes as businesses adopt new technologies and ways of conducting business. The resulting business stagnation caused by IT is the fault of incompatible data systems that isolate data and the data administrative methods deployed to deal with those incompatibilities.

Whenever software is developed to pipe data from a source dataset to a target dataset, the target dataset becomes dependent upon the source dataset. This dependency stagnates the business’s progress because organizations rely upon hundreds or even thousands of hand-crafted data pipeline programs just to integrate their data. These hand-crafted data pipeline programs create a data integration “hairball” that just gets larger and larger over time, ingraining the incompatible datasets into this entanglement and making it more and more difficult for businesses to adapt and change as needed. This is truly a mess that puts the business at risk because this hairball of IT datasets cannot efficiently support business agility.

Maxxphase’s Data Compatibility Standards eliminate this data integration hairball and do not impose such stagnation upon the business. Compatible datasets do not use data pipelines and are not linked by data transformation software, so the compatible datasets remain independent and do not get in the way of developing a true business agility strategy. The answer to the challenge of business agility, then, is to aim for data silo elimination using data compatibility instead of simply accommodating for the status quo.

How does Data Compatibility Support Business Agility?

A business agility improvement strategy is to make your datasets compatible!

Maxxphase Data Compatibility Standards form directly interoperable datasets so enterprises may rid themselves of the data integration hairball that was once the only reliable way to support data integration. Without the dataset dependencies caused by the hairball, organizations are free to change their business as needed. These independent compatible datasets are very flexible in their interactions and facilitate many types of business changes.

Charles Darwin once said: "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change." Businesses that are slow to adapt go the way of the dodo bird.